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Re: Invitation to new 'conlang' wiki

From:Yahya Abdal-Aziz <yahya@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 12, 2006, 9:08
Hi all,

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Jim Henry wrote:
> > On 7/10/06, Herman Miller wrote: > > From: Paul Bennett > > >I'd suggest that someone or ones with a stern hand but a fair eye go > > >over the extant conlang Wikis, and combine them into a single,
> > >more de-jure, source. I suspect it would be a legthy as well as > > >difficult task, though. I suggest instead that we hold some kind of > > >referendum to determine our preferred Wiki (or indeed whether a
> > >Wiki is desirable), and each take responsibility to move our own > > >content to a unified new home, if needed. > > > > > >Alternatively, the process could probably be automated with wget, > > >expect, and perl, though that might be a nightmare to actually > > >implement. > > > > Any Wiki that accepts Unicode characters (particularly IPA) would be > > acceptable. Some of the Wikis I've seen didn't handle Unicode characters > > properly or at all in the past. They may have improved since then. But > > ASCII is such a severe limitation for language-related pages. > > The Conlang Wikia ( ) > is also run on MediaWiki, so I reckon it should handle Unicode - > though I am not sure. It hosts a list of derivational methods and a > list of self-segregating morphology methods, along with information > on a number of specific conlangs (including, especially, conlang > articles that got deleted from Wikipedia).
I'm not at all fussed by the existence of other 'conlang' wikis anywhere, and certainly didn't mean to steal anyone's thunder! It's just that I needed a name, and since I intend to use the wiki to describe more than one of my conlangs AND would enjoy other people contributing theirs, I couldn't name it for just one of them, NOR for myself without causing some confusion. However, I do see that this may have created some confusion elsewhere! I don't know whether I can easily rename my PBwiki, tho; nor to what I should rename it, if I can. IMO, having several distinct, and even distinctive, wikis available for the world to tap into conlanging has to be A Good Thing. The more the merrier, I say. Whilst there will inevitably be overlap, adding redundancy and capacity can only make our collective enterprise more robust. I've had a quick look at frath, and can see it's already large and well-resourced. I appreciate the point made about handling Unicode. Some time ago, I'd already chickened out of this problem by deliberately documenting my conlangs only in CXS. However, I do use the US-International keyboard in Windows XP, routinely and everyday, since it supports most West European languages very well indeed. I imagine it's only a matter of time before the majority of PC users do have and routinely use a keyboard with at least similar capabilities, which will of course force software and service vendors to support their use; the logical implementation will be Unicode. For the moment, I'm not particularly worried by its lack, since the CXS and similar schemes already allow much more flexibility than spelling systems in which case was not significant. On balance, I don't believe that "a unified Wiki is desirable", to answer Paul's question. There will naturally be wikis with more or less status and visibility. IMO, competition between the big players can only be good. Meanwhile, my little wiki has much more modest aims. Finally, may I repeat my request for comments on the description of Uiama? eg: What could be clearer? What haven't I covered? Would you like to be able to speak or sing it? :-) Regards, Yahya -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.10/385 - Release Date: 11/7/06


Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>