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Re: CHAT: Reformed Latin-script writing for natlangs

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 3, 2000, 18:21
>d: [z] (?!) >d-bar (NOT ð edh): [d] (there we go)
I always thought this was a screwy way to represent z and d. My first memory of latinized Vietnamese was one of awe. I saw all those diacritics and marks and thought "wow". I like your scheme much better. If only the Vietnamese could reform their script ;). For Tagalog, I wish it would mark stress, and glottal stops. The latin orthography that is used currently does the job well, except those of us that don't speak it have a hard time knowing where to put the stress (it's usually penult, but it varies in a few words). I find it odd that stress is very important in the language, but it's not marked in the orthography. ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.