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Re: Conlang fluency

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 8, 2001, 20:04
Steg Belsky wrote:
> > On Mon, 7 May 2001 18:14:22 EDT MGreenlee@AOL.COM writes: > > Does anyone speak/write (or know someone who speaks/writes) a conlang > > with > > some degree of fluency? Is anyone at least able to form basic > > sentences in > > conlangs without consulting a grammar or lexicon? > - > > I can form basic sentences in Rokbeigalmki... it's just that i don't have > that much vocabulary.
I'm about the same. Ajuk is agglutinating, and I know all the affixes and the like, so I can form basic sentances if I have/know the vocabulary. There are only about 400 words in the language at the moment, and I know at best maybe the most common quarter. -- Robert