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From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Monday, January 3, 2005, 21:36
A few questions about phonetic:

In the IPA phonetic charts, I've found that there were only a few ejective
and implosive consonants

Only the bilabial, dental, alveolar fricative, palatal, velar, and uvular

but is it possible to have dento-labial ejectives and implosive? or a
retroflex ones? and maybe a glottal ejective.

Can all the plosive be aspirated?

I know that in english, [p], [t], and [k] are aspirated but maybe the
retroflex and the labio-dental can also

And there voiced equivalent? can a voiced plosive be aspirated?

Are the others consonant? I think an aspirated fricative may be possible but
I'm not sure about nasals and far less about approximants and trills

I imagine that if a glottal plosive is aspirated it's a glottal affricate..

Is there a difference, in diacritics of the IPA, between a labialized
consonant and a consonant followed by a [w]?

Same thing for palatalized, velarized, pharyngealized?

And also for those with a nasal or lateral release, is there a difference
between those and these followed by a [n] or a [l]

When a phonetic symbol has a ~ under it, it makes that it is "creaky voiced"
but what does it means?

Same thing when there's a ¨ under the symbol wich means it is "breathy
voiced", what does it means?

Also, what means rhoticity indicated with a little hook?

And a linguolabial diacritic, does it means that the contact (for a plosive)
is between the tongue an the higher lip?

Where are articulated the epiglotal consonants? There are the voiceless and
voiced epiglottal fricative and the epiglotal plosive in the other symbols
with the [w]

Why epiglotal consonants do not have their own column on the consonant board

Thanks if you answer to my questions.


bob thornton <arcanesock@...>