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Re: Lurkers

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 2:19
On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, nicole perrin wrote:

>On a similar note to all this about lurkers, I'd be curious to know how >many there are, and how many people are actually on the list. I bet >it'd be quite a few people, hmm?
There are 201 subscriptions as of March, 2000. Rather a few folks have multiple subscriptions (home, office, school, etc.) I'ld estimate no fewer than 175 individuals. As I've said, I recognise about 30 to 50 of these as "regulars". Though to be sure, there are perhaps 10 or 20 that post incessantly. ;^)
> >BTW, I guess I'd consider myself a lurker, although I post >occasionally. And *my* reasons? Usually because I don't have anything >to say about a particular topic. When I do, I post. Also, I always >mean to do translation exercises and post them, but I never have >time--my langs are all so under-developed that to do even the simplest >translations I'd probably have to invent new vocabulary, and probably >rework grammar, and it would just eat up way to much of my time, esp >during the school year.
I agree. But poor, poor baby! Isn't that what we all do as conlangers? - invent new vocabulary and rework grammar? :) Padraic.
> >Nicole >