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Re: Lurkers

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 14:25
John Cowan:
> As everybody knows, I participate heavily on this list; there are other > lists (elfling, darkover-rpg-l) where I almost completely lurk.
Can you post the subscription address for Elfling? Is this the elfconner or the antielfconner list?
> > "They also serve who only stand and wait." > > (screaming hysterically) You pinched my line! You pinched my line!
I've never understood it & forget where it's from. I assume it is supposed to mean "They who only stand and wait are also useful" -- but why? Of course, if it means "Sales and bar staff eventually get round to serving those who meekly and quietly stand waiting to be served", then the meaning is clear. --And.