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Re: Lurkers

From:Gressett, David <david.gressett@...>
Date:Thursday, April 27, 2000, 15:37
John, it took me several months on this list, several books, 10000 web
pages, 100 reference grammars and a partridge and a pear tree before I began
to understand what people on this list were discussing. Now that I do
understand, I am diligently working away at my conlang ideas, with enormous
gratitude to you folks for planting the seeds in my brain I need for my lang
garden. These days, I lurk because ... I'm not finished! I'm sure that my
graditude will mean more when I can display the ripe fruits of my stay on
this list.
Being a bit of a perfectionist, this takes time. A lexicon of 14000+ terms
is not enough. No less than 7 rich grammars is not enough (sseyavven means
"languages express", because it is actually 7 langs with some overlapping
grammar and common lexicon). I am creating interactive lessons for the lang.
I mean to be fluent in it!
Then, I am not sure how to publish info on it. I don't actually want it to
be public domain, but I do want to share it with everyone on this list.
After all, you deserve it.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Mietus [mailto:sirchuck@MACOMB.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: Lurkers


yl-ruil spake, saying:

To all our Lurkers:
I'm not trying to be offensive; I honestly don't understand. Why lurk? Don't
you feel like you want to join in with all the arguments (whoops! civilised
debates). That's the best bit for me- my first day on the list I sparked off
an argument (the s-->h debate, which I thought should go s->z->h) and the
most recent such was my argument with Vasily about fracturing in OE (that
was fun! thanks Basileus!). What do you actually do, just read all the


Bengesko niamso.
Cursed German.
Dan Morrison (

I joined this list about two weeks ago and have been overwhelmed by the
volume of input. Mostly I've been lurking simply to get caught up on
terminology -- I consider myself a *very* rank amateur at this point and
feel I have very little to contribute at this time.

I will, however, be posting about my model language project in the next
month or so.

Like an octopus in deep fat,
