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Re: Lurkers

Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 17:46
The main reason I post so rarely is the undeveloped state of my conlang--in a
discussion of various ways of handling the copula, for example, there is little
I can say not knowing yet what jitihk zohsen-don does. Hopefully, things will
be a bit more developed eventually.

eli .
gone to croatan

<- Original Text ->
To all our Lurkers:
I'm not trying to be offensive; I honestly don't understand. Why lurk?
Don't you feel like you want to join in with all the arguments (whoops!
civilised debates). That's the best bit for me- my first day on the list
I sparked off an argument (the s-->h debate, which I thought should go
s->z->h) and the most recent such was my argument with Vasily about
fracturing in OE (that was fun! thanks Basileus!). What do you actually
do, just read all the postings?


Bengesko niamso.
Cursed German.
Dan Morrison (

** html content extracted: **

To all our Lurkers:
I'm not trying to be offensive; I honestly don't understand. Why
Don't you feel like you want to join in with all the arguments (whoops!
civilised debates). That's the best bit for me- my first day on the list
sparked off an argument (the s--&gt;h debate, which I thought
should go
s-&gt;z-&gt;h) and the most recent such was my argument with Vasily
fracturing in OE (that was fun! thanks Basileus!). What do you actually
do, just
read all the postings?
 ----Bengesko niamso.Cursed German.----Dan Morrison