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Re: Lurkers

From:daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 21:12
Dan Sulani wrote:

> Apparently the cousin had needed to be with him, and so had > travelled the long distance and had come to visit. But it > wasn't conversation he had needed, but simply to feel his > cousin's presence. Having satisfied himself on that account, > he had had no more need to be with his cousin and so he had left.
Marvellous story! The best thing I've heard in a long long time. It's so true. Myself, I just got back from France and Spain where I've been last week on vacation. But I didn't want to miss anything on this list so I didn't go nomail. Now I have 467 unread mails just from this list. Isn't it great!? Going through 467 conlang mails tonight! Happy happy joy joy! :) If anyone has replied to a posting of mine and I haven't replied, this is why. Sorry. I'll reply as soon as I can. This list takes up a large (but very welcome!) part of my life even though I don't post that much. It almost feels like I know all you guys even though I've only read e-mails from you. But I guess reading hundreds or even thousands of messages from a person - even if they aren't to me personally - tells me something about him or her. Daniel PS. On my flight back from Barcelona I discovered the joys of inchoatives and causatives. I've also been bitten by the French bug (from the days in Perpignan and surroundings), so I might end up with nasal vowels in Rinya after all. This Easter's gonna be The Conlang Easter. :) DS.