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Re: Lurkers

From:Shreyas Sampat <nsampat@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 0:37
Yup, often I don't have anything to add.
So I'm just sitting here, learning by osmosis till I have some
interesting creative impulse.
Which reminds me, I should go and inform the Babel text maintainer of my
Babel translation, and since my conlang is something that you all
actually haven't heard before, here's my translation of Deep Water,
though I did it last week and the grammar's gone all outdated.

Misaraeli alana 'e nadiku rihanayu.
Miailahueli šimi qarunu matisari.
Mu kevanaruele šehanu,
Mueredelemo šadunu mahaelu.


misara.e.l.i   alana     'e              rihana.y.u
Path.m.4<s>.x  Language  Out of/Through  Eternity.gen<s>.u

mia.ilahu.e.l.i     š.i.m.i        qaru.n.u       matisa.r.i
bene.Lead.m.4<s>.x  1p.x.gen<p>.x  Home.acc<s>.u  Ancestor.gen<p>.x

Mu   ke.vanaru.e.l.e    šeha.n.u
But  neg.Come.m.4<s>.m  There.acc<s>.u    šadu.n.u        maha.e.l.u
Fear.m.4<s>.m.ret   Water.acc<s>.u  Big/Great.m.4<s>.u
<the two e's merge into one>

m:       masculine
x:       animate but genderless or unknown
u:       lacking gender
<there is a feminine gender, but this passage does not use it.>
4:       hypothetical person.
bene:    benefactive mood
gen/acc: genitive/accusative cases
ret:     retrospective aspect.

Verbs inflect for the speaker's gender, so I inflected mine
masculinely.  Adlectives don't really exist, they're stative verbs.  So,
there isn't really a need for a verb equating to the English 'to be',
except in the sense of existence.

Loth 77