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Re: conlangs as art (was: Re: Wikipedia:Verifiability - Mailing lists as sources

From:Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 20:06
on 2/27/08 10:37 AM, Rick Harrison at rick@HARRISON.NET wrote:
> Can beholding someone else's conlang produce the same intensity of feeling as > music or > cinema? How much of that is due to growing up in a culture that values or does > not value > certain artforms? And mentioned flower arranging as an art/craft of the less > moving > category, but if we had grown up in Japan a century or two ago, maybe we > _could_ be > moved to tears or joy by a great work of ikebana.
I am moved to tears of joy when I see circuit-bent Pikachus... -- Hanuman Zhang, _Gomi no sensei_ [Master of junk] "To live is to scrounge, taking what you can in order to survive. So, since living is scrounging, the result of our efforts is to amass a pile of rubbish." - Chuang Tzu/Zhuangzi, China, 4th Century BCE "The most beautiful order is a heap of sweepings piled up at random." - Heraclitus, Greece, 5th Century BCE Ars imitatur Naturam in sua operatione. [Latin > "Art is the imitation of Nature in her manner of operation."] " jinsei to iu mono wa, kinchou na geijyutsu to ieru deshou " [Japanese > "one can probably say that 'life' is a precious artform"] Absolument n'import quoi est art. Der Abfall der Welt dient¹Mir zur Kunst. ³The waste of the world becomes my art.² ~ ­ Kurt Schwitters, circa 1935, inscribed on the back of a collage titled Fur Bieleny "Art should be something that liberates your soul." - Keith Haring