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Re: Getting started with a newborn lang

From:Jonathan Knibb <jonathan_knibb@...>
Date:Sunday, March 3, 2002, 15:15
J Y S Czhang wrote:
In a message dated 2002.03.01 03.50.16 PM, exponent@TECHNOLOGIST.COM quotes me & writes:
>Ah hell, might as well give you my shot at the whole thing ;) > >"Per cosa è la vita? La vita è per la bellezza, e sostanza, e suono, >e colore; e anche quelli sono spesso proibiti da legge [convenzioni >socioculturali]. Perchè non siete liberi, e vivete le vostre proprie >vite? Perchè seguite le regole altrui vivendo per piacere ad altri?"
"...So what is life for? Life is for beauty and substance and sound and colour; and even those are often forbidden by law [socio-cultural conventions]. . . . Why not be free and live your own life? Why follow other people's rules and live to please others?..." ~Lieh-Tzu/Liezi, Taoist Sage (c. 450- c. 375 BCE) ~~~ <<< I'm not a native Italian speaker either, so I ask out of curiosity rather than authority: If I'd had to translate 'Perchè non siete liberi?', I would have made it 'Why are you not free?', rather than 'Why not be free?'. My instinct would be for 'Perchè non essere libero, e vivere la propria vita? Perchè seguire ... e vivere ...' - but perhaps this reflects my imperfect Italian. Is the construction 'Why not...?' used in Italian anyway? Do we have any Italian L1s to help us out? ObConlang: What we need here is a language which can leave the subject fully ambiguous - enter Telona, stage right ... :) Jonathan. 'O dear white children casual as birds, Playing among the ruined languages...' W. H. Auden, 'Hymn to St. Cecilia'