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Re: OT: Opinions wanted: person of vocatives

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 2:46
>Why is it a bad thing? 'Our father in heaven' is transparent. I doubt >anyone's going to have trouble with that. But when I was in primary >school, do you know how many people were praying 'Our father who aren't >in heaven'? 'Our father who art in heaven' simply didn't make sense; >while with 'aren't' it's ungrammatical,[1] at least it makes sense.
Seems to me there's a new verion every so many centuries anyway. The version I had hammered into my head as a child was the King James version, which at its advent (1611) was considered abominable. For my Palu f'Dule, Bes Dis'z, and Trayis Laafaah, vocative would be 2nd person singular or plural (drat, another rut). I suppose for Nenshar, too, though that is a bit of a stretch (something for me to ruminate upon). _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*