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Re: CHAT: Is anybody here? Hello?

From:list James E. Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Sunday, February 7, 1999, 17:11
Tony wrote concerning feedback on the Aluric site:

Tony! It's good to have you back on the list. I for one have missed the
Alurian presence here.  As for the site, it looks great and I can't wait to
see more, especially the myths and legends etc.

Chris' signature quote in Druni:

"Ta onot tumpi tamagit daot onyara"
(tah oh-NOHT TOOM-pee tah-MAH-geet dah-OHT ohn-YAH-rah)

Literally: The way of being is merely another way of understanding

Sabutovon Drunay,
Jim H
ta Druntan