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Re: CHAT: various infotaining natlang tidbits

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 14:40
In a message dated 2000/06/14 03:23:36 AM, Chiph wrote:

>Where can I find some info on Creole langs?
_Pidgins & Creoles: an introduction_ edited by Jacques Arends, Pieter Muysken, & Norval Smith this is a good book, on it's way to being a classic in the study of pidgins & creoles IMHO (most of the book concentrates on creoles, but gives more than adequate coverage of pidgins). _Contact Languages: Pidgins and Creoles_ by Mark Sebba (in the Modern Linguistics series put out by St. Martin's Press) this is a book with tonnage o' examples & textbook (interestin' textbook) examples of pidgins & creoles. Sebba writes in a interestin' fashion - like he is talking to & with high schoolers & college students (as opposed to "talking down to") enjoy zHANg