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Re: CHAT: Religion, Philosophy & Politics

From:Carlos Eugenio Thompson (EDC) <edccet@...>
Date:Friday, May 5, 2000, 17:02
On First Moon of Tenderness, bjm10 wrote

> On Fri, 5 May 2000, Carlos Eugenio Thompson (EDC) wrote: > > > in how food is comming to you. If an ancient nomade hunter-gathering > tribe > > had come to a plantation of a primitive agricultural village and eat > from > > the plantation, they don't stop being hunter-gatherers. If we can bring > the > > That depends upon whether one considers raider-thieves to be > hunter-gatherers... >
It depends on raiding-stealing is on regular bases (raider-thives) or occational (hunter-gatherers), at least in my PoV. BTW. This thread is becoming a little off-topic then I will introduce an ObConlang. What would be de minimal vocabulary hunter-gathering society need to know in order to survive. How about a primitive (agri)culture? Well, if we accept that hunter-gathereres have more time for socializing, then the basic vocabulary would skyrocket. Some guesses for minimal hunter-gatherering vocabulary: edible/non-edible distinction (two morphemes) easy pray (something small and slow enought to get) quickly pray (not easy to get due to speed) big pray (a pray that can't be get without colaboration) soround go overthere look! red (color of edible fruits) inmature fruit/bare herb root larv/insect eat baby woman man dangerous small creature (one that can hurt me, but won't eat me) dangerous big animal (one that can eat me) you him/her fellow strange Make all this in a baby talk ;) -- Carlos Th