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Re: English syllable structure (was, for some reason: Re: Llirine: How to creat a language)

From:Cheng Zhong Su <suchengzhong@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 21:04
 --- Muke Tever wrote:
From: "Cheng Zhong Su" <suchengzhong@...>
> > The target, we sparate sounds into unit is link > > linguistics with math. So we try to saparted it > timely > > in equal. If we can separate it timely equal then > we > > can understand what will happened in life time. > The > > word 'beast' is one syllable, word 'be' also one > > syllable. They are different in time length. > > OH! Then by "phonetic type" you've been meaning > "mora" ? > > > *Muke!
Answer: I am not quite sure what is "mora" ? Is it mean 'delay'? What I want say is finding a new unit that can sparate sound roughly equal in time, then we can understand many things. No matter how many syllables English has, a tone language speaker always can give at least four times the same numerous syllables by put a tone on every first CV of those syllables. And to create so many either syllables or 'phonetic types' is not our goal. The real target is as the words being shorten, we may increase thinking speed and 'learn less know more'. Su Cheng Zhong - Yahoo! Shopping - Free CDs for thousands of Priority Shoppers!


Almaran Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...>
Muke Tever <alrivera@...>