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Re: "Bird in Tree" translation (was: Re: milimpulaktasin)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, April 23, 2001, 4:27
Ahem.  I left out the word virik 'beautiful' in the 3rd line.
>Kash: >-- tingaska ange mimik yu! >look-at-IMP. tree little that > >-- matikas. >I-see. > >-- ri nihiñi yale tukrinji shisu. >LOC top-its there-is tukrim-DIM red
That should be: ri nihiñi yale tukrinji shisu virik. (= a red tukrim that is beautiful); one could also say ...tukrinji virik shisu (=a beautiful t. that is red)-- not quite equivalent, since tukrimila, in and of themselves, are not considered beautiful. There is, incidentally, a limit of 2 adjectives (including demonstratives) following a noun. More than that requires rephrasing, usually with a relative clause. (snip)
>A much more colloquial version: --tiká, ri angembik yu! --tikas (or: >yale). --ri nihiñi, tukrinji shisu virik. -- e, virik (or: viri-virik),
ya? And as explained in my reply to Matt Pearson, the last line works better with introductory u:~uwá 'ooh; gee, yes' or uhá 'wow', rather than /e/, which does not convey much interest on the speaker's part.