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OT: TV (was: OT: Dvorak)

From:Lars Finsen <lars.finsen@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 21:45
Den 27. jul. 2008 kl. 17.52 skreiv ROGER MILLS:

> That can't be my problem; TV barely existed in my childhood, and > didn't reach my hometown in the provinces until the mid-50s, but I > was away at school and TV was forbidden there; plus other things > kept one occupied.......Aside from sporadic watching chez parents > or friends, I didn't see much TV until 1977 (my mid-40s), when I > finally broke down and bought a set, to watch "Roots". That was in > Ann Arbor MI, which depended on the Detroit channels 40 miles away, > always snowy. Cable arrived in the early 80s, addiction set in, and > it's been all downhill since then. :-((((
At least you held out for longer than most, which can be applauded. Myself I was perhaps a TV addict when I was a kid. I remember being very unpleasant when I was dragged away from my favourite TV show ("The Monkees") to go sailing in the Oslo Fjord with a family friend who had invited us. But now I have a time-consuming job, a time- consuming house and garden, and time-consuming hobbies, like conlanging, so I don't watch much. I still have a couple of favourites, and I do sit down to relax from time to time. But the best advice I think is to avoid serialised entertainment as much as possible. I guess TV really is invented in order to steal people's time away from them. BTW, Ann Arbor, isn't that Eric Heiden' hometown? LEF


<li_sasxsek@...>OT (TECH): Old media revisited (< OT: TV (was: OT: Dvorak))