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Re: A random bit of Telona

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Sunday, April 6, 2003, 23:23
Jonathan Knibb wrote:

>I seem to be establishing a pattern of semi-lurking and just poking my >head out from time to time to ask silly questions. So, I thought I'd >actually take an active part in proceedings for a change and post a >bit of Telona now that it's shaping up a little. I can't believe it's >five years old this month ... and I still can't get the phonology just >right. :)
It happens. Every time the phonology of Rhean tries something funny (which is rare these days), I blame some obscure dialect that I've just "dicovered". And ... happy birthday?
>'Lodanvè' shows how, in matters of perception and suchlike, Telona >prefers to identify the perceiver with the organ of perception. The >idea of 'I', 'you' and so forth is quite elastic in Telona. One can >refer to a group of people as 'I', if one identifies oneself with them. >Similarly, if I see something, the eye seeing it is just as much 'I' >as I am, as far as Telona is concerned.
I had to read over this a couple of times. It's a different concept for grammatical persons, for sure. Do verbs conjugate for person? And could you then use the "I" conjugation for a group identified with the speaker? (sounds a bit like an ingroup/outgroup conjugation I'm fiddling with for Tolborese; you'll see it here soon)
>The enclitic '-nve' means 'acting as'. Without it, 'cihi loda' would >mean 'seeking while being a heart'; but with it, 'cihi lodanvè' means >'seeking while acting as a heart' - or bearing in mind the flexibility >of personal reference, 'seeking with one's heart'.
I like this! "In the ROLE of a heart (but not EQUIVALENT to a heart)". Now if only the word "heartily" were not already coined for another meaning...
>Anyway - the exercise is a quotation from 'The Little Prince' (hommage >à nos amis Francais): > >'The eyes are blind. One must look with the heart.'
This has become a translation excercise now, which of course binds me to complete it. Olge k'luli c'ez. Ventrom amiak fadit. eyes blind be-3PL . stomach-INST look-INF must-2SG "The eyes are blind. You must look with the stomach." Notes: |ventrom| The Rheans associate emotions with the stomach rather than the heart. Compare with phrases like "gut instinct" in English. The heart is |körko|, and is associated with the "soul" but in a manner VERY detached from the corporeal world. And yes, |ventro| is a stolen word. |fadit| There is no impersonal "one" pronoun in Rhean. I could have used |pök| "person", which is common ("a person must..."), but in the context of giving advice to a listener ("YOU, buddy, must look with the stomach") the second person singular works just as well. M