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Re: Interbeing

From:Jonathan Knibb <jonathan_knibb@...>
Date:Sunday, February 24, 2002, 9:09
David Starner <starner@...> wrote:
[froge sionk nicole]
> :( I'm sorry. I feel very inferior to the rest of you because I just have > no clue how to design (or get, for that matter) a webpage, and I realize > that this really hinders anyone else's ability to actually learn more > about any of my languages. Maybe during the summer I can get someone to > teach me.
It's not that hard for a basic webpage: [snip head] <body> <h1>My grammar page</h1> <h2>Nouns</h2> <P>Nouns are <i>wonderful!</i> ... </P> <h2>Verbs</h2> <p>Who needs <b>verbs</b>?...</p> </body> </html> <<< So you've seen the working draft of the Telona webpage! :)) Jonathan. 'O dear white children casual as birds, Playing among the ruined languages...' W. H. Auden, 'Hymn to St. Cecilia'


nicole dobrowolski <fuzzybluemonkeys@...>