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Re: Interbeing

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Thursday, February 21, 2002, 11:45
> From: David Peterson > > Heard a great chapter from this book written by a fellow > named Thich Nhat > Tanh (not sure of the spelling) today. I forget what the > book was called, > but here's a shortening and reimagining of what was said: > "The true poet will > see the cloud in this paper. For without a cloud there can > be no rain, and > without rain, trees can't grow, and if trees can't grow, > there would be no > paper. In this way, the paper and the cloud interare. The > word 'interbe' > isn't a word you'll find in the dictionary, but I think it > should be, for > just this purpose." It goes on from here. Anyway, I think > the idea is a > good one, and from now on, I'll be including such a word in > my languages. > Thought I'd share it with y'all. :)
In amman iar: i lirdnarre vent elivdil aini nenloth henniar nerda teshellar. senil uerivdil an nenvar nenlothul. na eldair tuitar nenvarrul uerivdil. na soma eldair tuitar uerivdil, soma uerivdil an teshel. i deshel na i nenloth athar adhme nerme. The true poet will see the cloud in this paper. \t i lirdnarre vent \m i lirid =nar -e ve- ento \g the poetry =one.who -[A] descr- be.real \p det n =agtv -erg adj- v \x the poet genuine \t elivdil ain i \m el- -iv -dil ain i \g assertive- -hab -fut pat/thm the \p mood- -asp -tense ptp det \x will pat/thm the \t nenloth \m nenna loth -0 \g water flower -[P] \p n n -abs \x cloud \t henniar nerda teshellar \m henno -ia -r ner -da teshel -ar \g see -pat/thm -proc this -spatial paper -in \p v -val -vc prox/dem -loc n -iness \x see this in.paper \f For without a cloud there can be no rain, \t senil uerivdil an \m senil u- er- -iv -dil an \g because neg- necessary- -hab -fut pat \p conj pol- mood- -asp -tense ptp \x because pat \t nenvar nenlothul \m nenna =var -0 nenna loth -ul \g water =actn/proc -[S] water flower -without \p n =nsfx -abs n n -abess \x rain \f and without rain, trees can't grow, \t na eldair tuitar nenvarrul \m na aldar -i -0 tuito -a -r nenvarrul \g and tree -plu -[S] grow -pat -proc without.rain \p conj n -num -abs v -val -vc n \x and trees grow without.rain \t uerivdil \m u- er- -iv -dil \g neg- necessary- -hab -fut \p pol- mood- -asp -tense \x \f and if trees can't grow, there would be no paper. \t na soma eldair tuitar \m na soma aldar -i -0 tuito -a -r \g and if/then tree -plu -[S] grow -pat -proc \p conj cond n -num -abs v -val -vc \x and if/then trees grow \t uerivdil, soma \m u- er- -iv -dil soma \g neg- necessary- -hab -fut if/then \p pol- mood- -asp -tense cond \x if/then \t uerivdil an teshel \m u- er- -iv -dil an teshel -0 \g neg- necessary- -hab -fut pat paper -[S] \p pol- mood- -asp -tense ptp n -abs \x pat paper \f In this way, the paper and the cloud interare. \t i deshel na i nenloth \m i teshel -0 na i nenna loth -0 \g the paper -[S] and the water flower -[S] \p det n -abs conj det n n -abs \x the paper and the cloud \t athar adhme nerme \m atho -a -r adh -me ner -me \g be -pat -proc two -manner this -manner \p v -val -vc qty -adv prox/dem -adv \x be together thus Stay curious, David David E. Bell The Gray Wizard AIM: GraWzrd Wisdom begins in wonder.