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Re: fuzzy blue monkeys(was Re: .sig)

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Monday, November 12, 2001, 15:43
Forgot to answer the points about consonants...

--- In conlang@y..., Henrik Theiling <theiling@A...> wrote:

> Strange dialect you have! I never knew there were German dialects > with a) an unrounded open central vowel /1/, b) long consonants! :-)
Well, I can say /"afn=/ with a single short /f/, and it doesn't sound like High German, more like something a Schwarzwälder would produce in an attempt to speak High German.
> I'd say, High German would be: /"flaUSi:g@ "blaU@ "?afn=/
You're right about the glottal stop though, I tend to forget it since it's not phonemic in German. -- Christian Thalmann