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Re: Kyrgyz was Re: Zetowvu / Ezotwuv (new conlang)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 11:47
Peter Clark wrote:
> From what I can make of it, Kyrgyz has the following vowels: > i y 1 u > e 2 o > E > & > a
Just out of curiosity, is "& " for the low front unround vowel (æ, a-e lig.) or the X-SAMPA low front _round_ vowel?? If by chance the latter, the system could be described as actually quite symmetrical, though still front-heavy and with anomalous high-central 1:: Front Central Back i y 1 u e 2 o E &(ro) a Does Kyrgyz have vowel harmony? In that case it closely resembles Turkish, but with anomalous E &(whatever its quality): Front Back i y 1 u e 2 a o (E &) (Even better, Yitzik tell us that "y" should be not /1/ but /M/-- unrounded high-back-- nice counterpart to /u/ in a harmony-system.) That anomalous E & suggests there may once have been a 3rd, low back vowel ?*/O/; perhaps it and its unround counterpart merged with /a o/, and perhaps "&" was/is the surviving front round (or de-rounded) counterpart. Just speculating; I expect phonologies to exhibit a certain symmetry, historically if not synchronically-- though of course they don't always! Incidentally and OT, I made an interesting discovery the other day, cruisng around the various IPA sites. I, and most fellow midwesterners, definitely have [a] in hot, father etc., not [A]. And I seem to have [Q] in law, bought, caught etc, not [O]-- at least according to the (IIRC) UCLA samples. This is not meant to start an EP (you-know-what pronunciation) thread!!


Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Isaac A. Penzev <isaacp@...>