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Re: Orthography question for the group.

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, July 17, 2003, 3:46
JS Bangs wrote:

> John Leland sikyal: > > > Incidentally, does anyone know the X-sampa spellings for the sounds I > > spell in Rihana-ye tl and hl? (I can only say they are pronounced as > > spelled.) > > Most likely [tK] and [K]. Voiceless lateral fricatives is [K].
In a lot of American Indianist work, you'll see "tl" written as a l.c. lambda with a little crossbar on the ascender. I thought this had made it into IPA, but am not sure and I don't have time to look now.
> > [tK] is a neat sound.
Yes. BTW didn't _sikyal_ in your heading used to be _sikayal_? A recent Vowel Deletion Rule, or have I been misreading it all along???? :-)))


JS Bangs <jaspax@...>