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Re: OT strummin' on the old banjo

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Saturday, September 8, 2007, 22:26
On 9/8/07, Douglas Koller <laokou@...> wrote:
> FWIW, I didn't find the plural of "arpeggio" in my _Collins Compact Italian > Dictionary_, but I *did* find the word for "royal," "regio," and it gives the > masc. pl. as "regi." (regio, regia, regi, regie) By analogy, we might assume > (though when we assume...) the same applies to "arpeggio."
That would make sense. The -i- in "arpeggio" is just an orthographic convention to keep the <g> representing /dZ/ instead of /g/. The word is /ar'pEdZ:o/, so the plural is logically /ar'pEdZ:i/, which would be spelled "arpeggi". But I still wonder about words that end with something other than c or g followed by an -io. :) -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>