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A little tidbit from my conlang

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Monday, October 9, 2000, 20:58
I just got back from a trip and am feeling bored, so I decided to post
another tidbit about my conlang:

In my conlang, proper names always have a prefix. This prefix is easily
recognized because it isn't changed by normal noun inflections (noun
inflections in my conlang involves consonant and vowel gradation, which
often changes just about every syllable in a word :-P).

So far, I've only come up with prefixes for singular names. Not sure how I
would handle plural names, because part of the formation of a plural is
prefixing with "3-" (Kirsh /V"/) which is problematic when it comes up
against a vowel prefix (diphthongs are not allowed in my conlang).

The masculine singular proper name prefix is e- /E/:
        Peter   -->     epi'tri         /Epit*.i/
        John    -->     ej0i'n          /EjO?in/
        Patrick -->     epe'trik        /EpEtrik/

Masculine nouns (and names) tend to favor accenting towards the beginning
of the word.

The feminine singular proper name prefix is y- /y/:
        Mary    -->     ymari'  /yma*.i/
        Sally   -->     ysali'  /ysali/

Feminine names tend to favor accenting towards the end of the word.

And here's the first native proper name in my conlang:
        ylii'   /yli:/
Not sure how to transliterate this into English... "Ylie" maybe? or
"Ylia"? Perhaps just strip away the prefix -- "Lia" or "Leah"?

Well, these prefixes by themselves aren't very interesting... What's
interesting is what names look like when inflected (recall the name
mangling thread sometime ago? :-P) --

Originative:    yli0'   /yli?O/
Receptive:      yliu'   /yli?u/
Instrumental:   ylia'   /yli?a/
Conveyant:      yl33'   /ylV":/
Locative:       ylii'   /yli:/

A native name would, of course, sound more "natural" with these
inflections... now let's witness the mangling of imported names: :-P


Originative:    epi'tr0k        /EpitrOk/
Receptive:      epe'truk        /EpEtruk/
Instrumental:   epa'trak        /Epatrak/
Conveyant:      epe'tr3k        /EpEtrV"k/
Locative:       epe'trik        /EpEtrik/


Originative:    ys3l0'  /ysV"lO/
Receptive:      ysalu'  /ysalu/
Instrumental:   ysala'  /ysala/
Conveyant:      ysal3'  /ysalV"/
Locative:       ysali'  /ysali/

[With due apologies to Sally Caves for (ab)using her first name :-P]