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I'm new here...

From:Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Date:Sunday, March 12, 2000, 19:07

My name's Luca Mangiat, and I'm a very young conlanger (16 years old) who
has finally decided to subscribe this list. I must thank Pablo Flores for
his indications and encouragements.
I live in Brunate, a little village in Northern Italy (which is surely
the most beautiful country in the world - even if someone has just written
on this list the same thing about N.Zealand...) , near the Swiss border.
I've starded conlanging about three years ago, but I've never created an
entire language (neither a little one!), only sketches. I'm here to learn
something more, to improve my linguistic knowledge and to make my English
better. I have some questions (see my other mail), but I think I'm
going to lurk a bit before I get into discussion (I have so many things to
do at school, that I can't write every day as I've seen someone does).

Luca Mangiat