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Re: Hellenish oddities

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, November 27, 2000, 23:32
Raymond Brown tleiseiç:
> But the combo [p't'] becomes IMO trickier than the one I've described > above. I can see (and experience) how glottalic friction can be > momentarily interrupted by a secondar closure [t]; I do not see how a > glottalic closure can be so interrupted.
When I make that combo, I do it thus: 1. Labial closure 2. Glottal closure 3. Glottis raised 4. Labial opening 5. Glottis (still closed) lowered 6. Alveolar closure 7. Glottis raised 8. Alveolar opening 9. Glottal opening I don't know if that's the way they do it, of course. -- Florida: Home of Electile Dysfunction Palm Beach County: Putting the "duh" in Florida ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor