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Uusisuom language lesson 5

From:Daniel44 <daniel44@...>
Date:Saturday, April 14, 2001, 17:40
More information and other online lessons can be found at this link

Comments, questions, inquiries:

Some new words:

Arklo - horse
Olli - this
Alla - with
Jauno - young, youth, child
Pusa - bus
Ahud - across
Toki - full
Utte - empty, lacking

A new verb:

Jaapti - to give (the word 'gift' is 'jaapo')

Some sentences using the new words:

He said that he went by bus to town - Sutolluju, ettan leholluju pusatto
He will be thankful that I gave him my horse - Suuollusu koskat toki, ettan
jaapanju yllutin arklonu

NOTE: To say 'thankful' or any other word ending in '-ful', you add '-kat'
to the first part of the word, and use 'toki' as a second word to indicate
'full'. If the first word is an adjective (describing word), for example -
jaani (happy), then use the whole word followed by '-kat', eg 'jaanikat toki
' (cheerful). If the first word is a verb (action word) like 'kosti' (to
thank), then you take away the '-ti' ending and add '-kat'. This rule also
applies to words ending in '-less' such as 'thankless'. Add '-kat' again to
the first word, and use 'utte' meaning 'lacking' as the second word. For
example: koskat utte (thankless)

Abstract nouns:

Abstract nouns are those things that you cannot touch or feel or see.
Examples would include 'love', 'fear' and 'peace'.

In Uusisuom, abstract nouns end in '-ojan', and are often directly related
to the verb.

Below are examples of abstract nouns from the words we have learned in the
lessons so far:

Suuojan - existence, being (from the verb 'suuti' - to be)
Talojan - ownership (from the verb 'talti' - to have)
Suomojan - speech (from the verb 'suomti' - to give a speech, orate)
Halojan - desire (from the verb 'halti' - to want)
Ovojan - ability (from the verb 'ovti' - to be able)
Abstract nouns can also be related to adjectives (describing words). As
adjectives tend to end in a vowel in Uusisuom, use the ending '-jan'.

Jaanijan - happiness
Ristojan - sadness
Samijan - beauty


Adverbs are words that describe an action (i.e words that describe a verb).
Examples would be: he ate noisily, she sings badly.

In Uusisuom, you indicate how an action is performed, by adding 'alla'
(with) and an abstract noun after the verb. For example:

She speaks beautifully - Sutollu alla samijan


Puhat - red
Vihat - green
Jahat - yellow
Ruhat - brown
Lihat - blue
Mohat - black
Nohat - white
Suhat - orange
Pihat - pink
Tuhat - purple
Kahat - grey

Some new words:

Lova - bed
Stalo - table
Akno - window
Husto - chair
Tupoja - cup
Kiloja - knife
Hamoja - spoon
Vanno - fork
Jukka - plate
Ludo - game
Arvat - tea

New verbs:

Lovti - to sleep
Husti - to sit
Tupti - to drink
Hamti - to eat
Kilti - to cut
Ludti - to play


To say '-ish' (an approximating word) you use the suffix '-nei'.

For example:

Puhatnei pusa - reddish bus


For the positional word 'on', use the suffix '-pin'.

For example:

Mirko suuollu lovapin - the cat is on the bed


You can use the suffix '-le' (at) to also mean 'for'. You can think of it as
meaning 'aimed at'.


Toi tuppo suuollu jaunole - this drink is for children ( it isn't necessary
to put the word in the plural, 'jaunole' means both 'for a/the child' and
'for children'. Rely on context to derive the correct meaning)

Question words:

Kat? - What? ( Tat - that)
Kale? - Where? (Tale - there)
Kai? - When? (Tai - then)
Kollo? - Why? (Lollo - because)
Koi? - Which? (Toi - this)
Kotto? - How?
Kiin? - Who?
Kasta? - Whence?

Some sentences:

Ovan talti arvatkat tupoja? - Can I have a cup of tea?

Koi mirko husolluju stalopin? - Which cat sat on the table?