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Re: CHAT: Conlang and Writers

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Saturday, March 13, 1999, 10:21
> Okay. I haven't read any of her texts. I suspected, from things that I'd > heard, that "Native Tongue" might be radically feminist. But I have so > little time for fiction reading these days, I'll probably focus on other > authors who I know I can enjoyably read.
It's not the radical feminism that's the problem. It's not GOOD feminism,radical or otherwise. And it's not good story-telling. You want a feminist novel that is chilling, gripping, and beautifully told, go read _The Handmaid's Tale_, by Atwood. I got as far as the men's club chapter in E's novel, where they all sit around and make jovial and patronizing remarks about women, and I thought what a pale imitation this is of the "Don't let the bastards grind you down" chapter in Handmaid. Atwood can make a complex man you love to hate, but who has depth. But she also knows how to pace her story. Everything in E was cardboard, and endless ENDLESS never getting to the point. But then, I seem to have a short fuse these days, and am low on patience. Sleepless and edgy in upstate.