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Re: Tesawa update: text in Balalatu alphabet online

From:Thomas Leigh <thomas@...>
Date:Saturday, September 7, 2002, 3:06
Andrew Smith wrote:

>> Reminds a bit of written Armenian, I think. Or perhaps un-written
Georgian :)
> > I thought it showed influences of Demotic and Hebrew.
I'm finding this really interesting because as I recall, I created the Balalatu letters via the old "doodle in the notebook and pick out the shapes I like" method; I certainly took no conscious design or influence from any existing script. So it's fascinating to read what other people think it looks like!
> If this is an alphabet going spare, then I would like to continue > playing with it and see if I can adapt it. The consonants corrolate > closely between both languages, but 2.0 has 13 vowels rather than 6.
Please, Andrew, be my guest! I'm very flattered that you like it enough to want to play with it! And if you do, please share your results, either here or privately. I'd be very interested to see what you do with it. Thomas


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
andrew <hobbit@...>