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Re: New to the list

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Thursday, June 15, 2000, 16:25
In a message dated 2000/06/15 03:43:03 PM, Oskar wrote:

>I'm well aware that discussions on auxlangs are not allowed on this list.
Oh we discuss auxlangs, but not as auxlang advocate-fanatics & propagator-zealots. We tend to examine their strengths as much as their weaknesses... mainly from both linguistics & aesthetics P.o.V. (Point of View). Lately we have been discussing pidgin languages - Tok Pisin in specific. When I was on the Auxlang list, a few very vocal people there "dissed" & dismissed my interest(s) in pidgin & creole languages. You will find that the members of the Conlang list are way much more open-minded, more linguistically-aware, & a delightful bunch of smartie-pants with sense of humour intact.
> ><SNIP> I want to kindly ask permission to post some of my design ideas >here, even though they are about IALs. Their real nature is much >rather "conlangish" or even "artlangish". Would that be okay?
Sure. and welcome to the CONLANG list. zHANg