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Re: New to the list

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2000, 1:56
On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, DOUGLAS KOLLER wrote:

> From: "Yoon Ha Lee" > > > Have to agree about Japanese. Korean also has a noticeable honorific > > system, but I look at Japanese and wince, mainly because if I ever > > learned Japanese I *know* I'd get it wrong and offend someone. > > Yeah, how do North Koreans deal with such a system? Since everyone, save the > Great Leader, is supposedly on equal footing, do they trash such a > hierarchical grammar? Squelch it underground? Chinese doesn't have
[snip] I forwarded the question to my mom, who if she doesn't know can probably find out. :-) Any translation I make of her answer may be awkward, though. My best guess, if you held me at gunpoint, would be that they don't. But it sounds like the Chinese tried to squelch things even with the whole cult-of-personality, hierarchy and Confucian cultural background/baggage. I've been told that Communism as Koreans conceived it is quite different from Communism as the Soviets or even most Westerners conceived it (among other things, the early Korean communists were in favor with a lot of Koreans after WWII because they were known as nationalists who had resisted the Japanese consistently), but darned if I can give you more detail. YHL