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Re: New to the list

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Saturday, May 18, 2002, 23:02
En réponse à Julien Eychenne <eychenne.j@...>:

> Hello everybody, >
Welcome to the list!
> I actually subscribed to this list one year ago through yahoogroups > but > I've never been able to send any message, although I received every > message from the list. I get back to conlanging and try to join again > the > list using listserv : I hope it will solve the problem.
Indeed! The Yahoo!groups is only an archive, whose usefulness even as that I find dubious :)) . And you're not the first one to make this common mistake :) .
> I'm working on a conlang which should be called sabyuka, and I will be > pleased to show it to you as soon as it is more consistent (please be > lenient).
We always are! Please share what you have done so far! <hungry look> :))
> I want to thank everyone here for the impressive work you provide. >
You're welcome! :)) Indeed, this list is a gold mine for information of all sorts, but with always one thing in common: outstanding quality! :))
> Languagely, > > Julien. > > PS : as you may have noticed, my english is horrible. I'm really sorry > about it. >
Don't be! As you've probably realised by now, this list is really international, and many of us aren't native speakers of English. I can even say that the little fluency I got in English I got from the list! :)) An your English is quite good! Or at least not worse than mine :)) . So welcome again from a fellow French conlanger (I supposed you were French. I hope I'm right, or else... oops! :)) ). Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.


julien eychenne <eychenne.j@...>