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Wanted: Simple introductory text

From:Fredrik Ekman <ekman@...>
Date:Monday, August 27, 2007, 19:01
Like I told you some time ago, I use conlangs to teach grammar and
linguistics. For that purpose, it would be really helpful to have a very
simple text that introduces conlanging methods in a simple way.

I am aware, of course, of Mark Rosenfelder's conlanging kit. An excellent
resource, but unsuitable for my purposes. My students are native Swedish
speakers in their early teens. While they know English (some very well)
the Kit is a bit too difficult for them. It is also a little too wordy and
takes too long to get to the point. (Note that this is not criticism. Just
an explanation why it is not that useful for my purposes.)

So, are there any other introductory resources that are even simpler? They
can very well be in English, naturally, but the simpler and the briefer,
the better.



Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>