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Re: Weekly Vocab 3

From:Daniel Andreasson Vpc-Work <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 16, 2003, 8:01
Robert B Wilson wrote:

> well, charity can't really be translated because the idea of the lack of > charity would be so foreign. the closest translation would probably be > 'normal' or 'good', but that would seriously change the meaning of the > sentence in question...
Reminds me of Swedish pop group The Knife's heavily sarcastic song "You make me like charity, instead of paying enough taxes" which I think sums up the Swedish view on charity vs. taxes pretty well, which seems opposite to the Kinsi Rorotan view. ObConculture: The Piata tribe runs a very popular casino in northern Michigan, USA. The revenues from the casino benefits all the Piata, so this comes in as something in between charity and taxes, but is much more close to taxes (with the difference that it's not the Piata themselves who pay them, but the casino visitors). Daniel Andreasson