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Re: New Conlanger Stuck, would you help?

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Friday, September 28, 2001, 20:54
cybersolutions wrote:
> What is the advice of the countless readers and writers of the list > on acheiving a conlang of high density (when spoken) and utility?
Well, I don't usually consider that a big advantage, I prefer my conlangs to be esthetically pleasing, which often means lower density. One way would be to have a lot more sounds and more legal clusters of consonants. Tones can help, too. The more monosyllabic words you can have, the higher your density can be. Also, you can try allowing your language to omit things that are clear from context. For example, allowing "Asked if saw" for "I asked him if he saw it" in situations where its clear who's doing what. Japanese allows this, altho Japanese is hardly compact ... maybe part of the reason it does that is to keep it from being *too* wordy, especially when you have things like "Watakushitachi" for "we" :-) I once made a conlang where density was a goal, but I finally got sick of the hideous clusters of consonants and basic ugliness of the language, and revolted by making a conlang of maximal phonetic simplicity, which was the first version of my current conlang Uatakassi. However, Uatakassi has gradually been growing in phonetic complexity, just to spite its creator, I think. :-) The current phonemic inventory is, I think: Stops: p t k b d g Nasals: m n Fricatives: f s S C v z Z Affricates: tS dZ (ts dz) Liquids: l (lZ) Glides: (w j) Vowels: i a u i: a: u: Diphthongs: aj Aw (ej ow in some dialects) Parentheses indicate allophones of other phonemes Syllables: (/C/)(C)(l,w,y)V(fric, nasal, L, *) - * indicates gemination With some fairly complicated phonotactic restrictions By way of comparison, the original system was: Stops: p t k Nasals: n Fricatives: s Glides: w j Vowels: i a u i: a: u: Syllables: (C)V(n,s) - yes, just 144 possible syllables! Long vowels were abandoned early on, and then later resurrected. -- "No just cause can be advanced by terror" ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42