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Re: Conlang Flag: Voting

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 8, 2004, 18:57
Re voting:  personally I'd prefer the web-site method; much less confuzzing.
AFAIC anonymity is not a consideration; who among us is so fervent as to try
to stuff the ballot-box?

Jan van Steenbergen/Adrian wrote:
> > BTW, Roger's flags still show up as "Image hosted by Tripod". > > Not a lot I can do about that just now. :-) >
The 4 images in .png were sent to you approx. 16 hours ago. Is there still a problem? My apologies for sending a rather large email (300+ KB), but I tried zipping them-- which came to 295KB-- so what the H.