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Re: An arabo-romance conlang?

From:Leo Caesius <leo_caesius@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 13, 2001, 3:22
John Cowan wrote:

"There actually was such a thing: Mozarabic, the language spoken by
Christians in el-Andalus, the Muslim caliphate of Southern Spain.  We know
very little about it, only some putative borrowings into Spanish, plus some
vaguely Romance-looking refrains in otherwise Arabic songs.  This should
give lots of opportunity for ingenious conlangers."

Actually, Mozarabic was also spoken by Andalusian Jews and Muslims.  There
are some deliciously homoerotic lyrics in Mozarabic which are attributed to
Yehuda HaLevi:

Funny, I wouldn't have taken him for the type...

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Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>