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Re: Interesting pre-Greek article

From:Jeffrey Jones <jsjonesmiami@...>
Date:Monday, September 19, 2005, 4:48
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:09:47 -0400, Roger Mills <rfmilly@...> wrote:
> > I've just started reading this: > > which comes from: > > compliments of the inimitable gLeN gordon of cybalist >=========================================================================
I could read only the first few pages, but I also noticed the reference to R.A. Brown (1985 ?) I found the term "Pre-Greek" confusing, though. Some historical linguists use "Pre-" for the result of Internal Reconstruction as opposed to "Proto- ", the result of the Comparative Method. While I suspect "Pre-Greek" is already well-established, wouldn't something like "Ante-Greek" have been better for a non-ancestor of Greek?


R A Brown <ray@...>