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Re: Emphasis allophonies?

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Thursday, September 16, 1999, 1:44
Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...> wrote:

> One of the features of Hangkerimce is the existence of many allophonies, > many of them are caused by sourronding sounds and accentuation, but also > there are allophonies caused by the emphasis a morpheme has in the speech. > > Are there any natural language that has this kind of allophony present?
I think we could say Rioplatense has that 'emphasis allophony' regarding syllable-final /s/. It's normally pronounced [h] or dropped, but it becomes a proper and sharp [s] when emphasis is needed. Nice example: Nos fuimos. [noh'fwimoh] 'We went.' No fuimos. [no 'fuimoh] 'We didn't go.' In a particular tone, those two are virtually indistinguishable! --Pablo Flores