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Re: [Fwd: Re: More enter-bringings]

From:Brad Coon <bcoon@...>
Date:Friday, March 3, 2000, 4:43
Robert Hailman wrote:

> Also, I'm curious as to how Americans perceive "Canada like life". I > live in Toronto, which is the biggest city in Canada; there are around 3 > million people in the Greater Toronto Area, so I can't represent the > average Canadian.
Wouldn't expect you or anyone else too. My travels in Canada have been relatively limited, mostly around the Great Lakes and for me the biggest lasting impression of my last trip was going from Hamilton Ontario to Buffalo NY. Close geographically and similar in size but want to guess which one was cleaner, neater, and just felt more civilized? Bozeman strikes me that way too. It is very clean, there is almost no crime, people are, for lack of a better term, sensible, and lordy are they polite. Most Americans cannot imagine a place where cars routinely stop on busy streets to allow pedestrians to cross. There are a lot fewer obese people here than in most of the US, just as I saw in Canada. And, they love their dogs here too :) When I was hiking in Canadian parks, every other person had a dog, same thing here. Even paradise has its faults. Oh yeah, we have about the same population density, actually, Montana's is probably a little less. So, that is why Bozeman strikes me as a little bit of Canada like life. -- Brad Coon PLEASE NOTE,NEW EMAIL ADDRESS If its tourist season, why can't we shoot them?