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[RELAY5] Not rid of me yet...

From:Irina Rempt <irina@...>
Date:Thursday, October 18, 2001, 21:15
I *knew* that that wasn't my last message to the list about the

It's going better than I'd expected: I have 7 (seven) slots left,
plus a few if the people with more than one language will give up
their second. If everybody keeps to schedule, we'll finish exactly on
New Year's Eve :-)

Would everybody who thinks they're in (that is, if you've had a
confirmation message from me and/or a welcome message from the
mailing list) please check if they're listed:

If you're listed but didn't get a welcome message from the mailing
list, please subscribe yourself (there's a link on the lineup page).
If you can't do it on the Web, I think sending a message saying
"subscribe" to will do the trick. If that
doesn't work, please tell me and I'll subscribe you.

If I told you that you're listed but you're not, or you asked to be
in and haven't heard anything, or I got something wrong in your
listing, or I put you on a date that you can't manage, please
complain to me.

If I didn't tell you that you're listed but you are, everything is OK
and you don't have to take any action.

If you can't read web pages easily and you're not sure whether or how
you're listed, please drop me a line.

I'll try to put some pressure on Patrick so we can start early :-)


           Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself)


<bjm10@...>Relay4: Is it all up?