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Re: translation needed

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Friday, October 22, 1999, 6:06
----- Mensaje original -----
De: Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Para: Multiple recipients of list CONLANG <CONLANG@...>
Enviado: Jueves 21 de Octubre de 1999 19:12
Asunto: Re: Fw: translation needed

> Charles wrote: > > However, CONLANG seems quite free of that garbage, hooray! > > Maybe conlangers are inherently nicer or something? > > I don't know, but with the exception of Conculture and the list for my > church student group, other lists I've been on have a lot of such > "flaming idiots". One of the reasons I left an X-Files list was such > absolutely ridiculous and overly-emotional arguments between Shippers > and No-Romos (two major factions of X-Philes, Shippers = > (Relation)shippers, those who want to see a romantic relationship > between Mulder and Scully, No-Romos = No-Romance, those who don't want > that to happen), which involved attacks on personal character. That and > during the summer, when there's no new eps to talk about, it gets rather > boring ...
Well. Besides conlang and its offshoots: NGL and conculture, I've been throw syster list auxlang and I'm usual reader of some newsgroups. Actually I have not had much of a bad experience there or in any other list (except lack of postings in the ones I manage). Well, soc.culture.colombia is full of flames, idiots, flooders, crossposters, advertising... and it seams to be a better place than other soc.culture groups. But then, that is something I expect and something I can live with and 80% of the threads I don't even bother to open (while I read almost every posting from conlang). At alt.usage.spanish I have found a friendly community where you are not flamed neither by asking nor by answering. So it seams that even Usenet groups can be a place to stay, it's just a question of getting the right community. My ISP has some newsgroups, one of them devoted to humor. People is friendly sharing the old and repeated jokes allong with some new material. But when someone post some advertising (or worse: some become-rich-by-surfing posting) or someone complains that people is sharing jokes instead of working, you get a series of posting of all colours and shapes trying to shutting up the perpetrator.
> Conculture was an offshoot of this list, so the same people were there, > and my church student group are personal friends, so that brings peace > to the list. > > I have no idea what makes this list so nice, but I'm glad. I figure, > don't question a good thing. :-) > > -- > "Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many > ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia." -- > Joseph Wood Krutch > > > ICQ #: 18656696 > AIM screen-name: NikTailor