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Re: translation needed

From:Ed Heil <edheil@...>
Date:Thursday, October 21, 1999, 2:07
This reminds me of an experience I had today.

I decided to see what "alt.language.artificial" was like.  I started
reading at a randomly chosen point.  The first message was a general
question about conlangs.  The second message was a reply saying,
"don't write your messages in HTML, idiot."  The third was a response
from the original poster containing obscenities.

I decided I liked CONLANG much better.


Ed doesn't know everything, but he hasn't figured that out yet.
Please break it to him gently.    

Charles wrote:

> Matt Pearson wrote: > > > > Fabian, quoting someone from sci.lang.japan: > > > >> If only some of the energy you expend discussing these fictional
languages could
> > >> be harnessed for something useful! > > > Studying endangered and dying languages requires money to pay for > > consultants, and in many cases additional funding to cover travel and > > accomodations for the linguist. > > The worst thing about destructive trolls is they steal time and energy > from productive people, to satisfy their own deep emptiness. > > My observation is that unmoderated discussion groups tend to be > hijacked by such flaming idiots (note dual meaning), especially > the untraceable ones such as on usenet. My prediction is that > eventually, only moderated groups will survive. It is similar > to the economic problem called "the tragedy of the commons". > > However, CONLANG seems quite free of that garbage, hooray! > Maybe conlangers are inherently nicer or something? >