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Re: English 2sg/pl

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 7, 2003, 0:36
In my Texas dialect "all ya'll" means sorta like "each
and every" or "every one".

How are ya'll?  (As a group)
How are all ya'll?  (How is each one of you?)

Are ya'll going?  (All/most of you?)
Are all ya'll going?  (No one's staying home??)


--- Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
> > > _all y'all_ 2pl but but more persons than > _y'all_ > > > >I take this to be "all of yall" /al@j@l/, and to be > simply "all of you" > >in yall-dialect. > > I suspect that's the origin, but I've heard it only > as ["al.jal]. > >
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John Cowan <cowan@...>