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Re: ANNOUNCE: Wikilret Website

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Friday, March 11, 2005, 16:48
caeruleancentaur wrote:

>--- In, scott <sjcaldwell@M...> wrote: > > >>Aza! I have finally put together a website for my conlang wikilret. >>I'm pretty new at conlanging and would appreciate any comments, >>questions, or criticism (especially as it relates to the terminology >>I use, or have left out). >> >> > > > >>So far I have posted the phonology, grammar, and a list of numbers. >>I hope to add more, and start posting my conworld stuff. >> >> > > > >>You can find it at >> >> > >scott >--- End forwarded message --- > > >Very well done, Scott. I especially like the legibility. Good color >contrast for these old eyes and the manner of marking headings, etc., >is good. > >May I make three comments? > >Under Word Order: You state that interrogative sentences are SOV, but >one of your examples is "Ham you like?" I see this as meaning "Does >ham like you?" Should it not be "You ham like?" > >
In Spanish, German, and Italian though, it is the other way round. Me gusta...X X gefällt mir Mi piace X Equivalent to the English 'to please'.