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Re: CHAT: dyslexia

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Thursday, March 29, 2001, 18:21
> > We don't know if these are absolutely true, but the question occurred to > > my friend: so would a logographic system alleviate some or many of the > > problems of dyslexic readers? > > What is 'Blisssymbolics' used for? > It's a huge block of pictograms charted for inclusion in higher unicode.
I dunno what its used for, but I do know that Blisssymbols were invented by a Canadian; I think his name was Bliss... -------ferko Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Suurt chugunikka peene ahjo suhe et toukka. Virtual Votia - Vaddjamaa Internetaza: railways page: 25kV 50Hz: