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Re: Depressing vocabulary for mid-June

From:John Leland <lelandconlang@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 2004, 18:32
In Rihana-ye the basic form for having a disease is "hufo" which is an active
verb combining the adverb hu (badly) and the verb fo (live). A reasonably
close English equivalent of "seba hufo" would be "I feel bad." The adjective form
hufo-i would be
English sick (adj.). "Seba hufo-i,"  "I am sick."  Related nouns are
"hufoha," (badly live thing) "disease," "hufoveha" (badlylivefuturething),
"diagnosis,"  and "hufova" (badlylivemind) pain. "Pain" could apply to broken bones,
wounds etc.but all the other
"hufo" related words imply organic disease. Bone is fomisa (living stone,
related to fomiha living thing, body)  and break is hefejo (not-with-make) , so
broken bone would be
hefejo-si fomisa--a shortened form dropping the verb sufffixes mi (-ing) and
si (passive) would be hefefosa.
Until last night, I had not developed words for specific diseases, but this
query inspired the following:
huro (badly blow/breathe) : to have a cold
pufo (hotly live) : to have a fever
bamaro (blood breathe) to have consumption (t.b.)
huno (badly fall) to have epilepsy
yawawo (night (color)-die ) to have the plague
zidihahufo: (copper-part-badly-live) to have measles, chicken pox,  perhaps
small pox
huwego (badly vomit): to have cholera? yellow fever? (yawahuwego? vomita
hubakejo (badly defecate) to have diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

My intent was to create words for the sorts of diseases that usually appear
in pre-
modern history and literature. These tend to be types widely fatal then but
usually controlled by modern medicine.
My apologies if readers are disgusted. Every so often I go on a word-creating
jag, and this query inspired one--this sort of inspiration is one reason I
enjoy this list.

John Leland